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Monday - Friday:7:45am - 5:45pm
Saturday:10:00am - 4:00pm
Out of office hours available by appointment
Vacuum or brush with non-metallic stiff bristle brush regularly (at least once a month) to remove dust and grime.
Protect from direct sunlight to prevent fading.
Know your fabric spot cleaning code and have cleaner on hand so that you can act fast if a spill occurs. See your fabrics spot cleaning code on your warranty card and reference the section on spot cleaning below.

Fabric Spot Cleaning Codes
For cleaning occasional spots or stains.
S = Solvent: Use only a water-free, dry cleaning solvent.
W= Water: Use only a water based upholstery shampoo or foam cleaner.
WS= Water or Solvent. Use either a water or solvent based upholstery cleaner.
X=Do Not Use any water or solvent based cleaner. Vacuum or brush only.
If a Spill Occurs: Dab spills immediately with a clean, dry, white cloth. Then, if needed use an appropriate spot cleaner. Pretest any cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area before proceeding. Do not saturate fabric with cleaner. Pat instead of rubbing to avoid damaging fabric. Clean spots or stains from the outside to the middle of affected are to prevent circling. Pile fabrics may require brushing with a non-metallic stiff bristle brush to restore appearance.

Upholstery Overall Cleaning
For thorough cleaning, we recommend a professional in-home upholstery cleaning service. Once you contact a professional cleaner, also be prepared to give them your fabrics content information as well as the Spot cleaning code (both found on your warranty card).
Overall cleaning is recommended every 12 to 24 months or when an overall soiled condition has been reached. Don’t wait for severe soiling. The more soiling, the less likelihood of restoring fabric. 
Do not remove cushion or pillow casings for separate cleaning as this may cause a slight color change in the fabric.
See the Uph cleaning code on your warranty card. 
P = Professional Furniture Clean only.
X = Do Not Use any type of cleaner. Vacuum or brush only.

Slipcover Overall Cleaning
For thorough cleaning, we recommend a professional in home upholstery cleaning service to clean slipcovers while still on the base. This is the only method recommended for fabrics with a Slc cleaning code of “P”. This is the preferred method of cleaning for all slipcovers with a code of P, *DC or *MW. Professional cleaning ensures the crispest look and greatest longevity. Once you contact a professional cleaner, also be prepared to give them your fabrics content information as well as the Spot cleaning code (both found on your warranty card).
Overall cleaning is recommended every 12 to 24 months or when an overall soiled condition has been reached. Don’t wait for severe soiling. The more soiling, the less likelihood of restoring fabric. 
Do not remove cushion or pillow casings for separate cleaning or laundering as this may cause a slight color change in the fabric. Clean all pieces at once to avoid color variation between pieces.
See the Slc cleaning code on your warranty card.
P=Professional Furniture Clean only.
*DC= Dry Clean. If you choose, slipcover can be taken to a reputable dry cleaner with experience cleaning slipcovers.
*MW =Machine Washable. If you choose, slipcover can be machine washed. See Machine Washable Slipcovers section below.
X=Do Not Use any type of cleaner. Vacuum or brush only.

Machine Washable Slipcovers
These guidelines are only for slipcovers with a *MW cleaning code, if you choose to forgo professional in-home cleaning.
This method is not recommended if your slipcover has contrast welt of another color fabric.
Wash in a triple size, front load washer with cold water and mild detergent.
Wash all parts at once, just as you would clean all parts of a suit at once. As with clothing, some fading is expected, and separate laundering may cause color variation among parts.
Dry in a triple-load dryer on Air or Low until slightly damp.
Return slightly damp slipcover to the base to finish drying.
Do not line dry because fabric may stretch and affect fit.
Do not store a slipcover slightly damp. Finish drying on base before storage.